AeO XXII 1 2020

Refugees in Uganda between Politics and Everyday Practices

DOSSIER (edited by Sara de Simone)

Sara de Simone, Investigating the ‘Refugee Paradise’: Refugees in Uganda between Politics and Everyday Practices. An Introduction. (p. 4)

Frank Ahimbisibwe, Milena Belloni, The 2006 Refugees Act in Uganda: Analyzing the Gap between Law and Practice. (p. 9)

Isabella Soi, Uganda-Rwanda Relations: Crossing the Border into Politics. (p. 29)

Georgia Cole, ‘Find the Gap’: Strategic Oversights and Inactions in Uganda’s Asylum Procedures. (p. 48)

Luca Jourdan, Living in a Limbo. Eritrean Refugees in Kampala. (p. 71)

Sara de Simone, Individual and Collective Agency and Identity Construction among South Sudanese Refugees in Adjumani District, Uganda. (p. 85)

Gilberto Borri, Alessandro Gusman, Cecilia Pennacini, The Quest for Therapy among Refugees in Uganda. Case Studies from Bidibidi Settlement and Kampala. (p. 102)


Raffaello Petti, Autorità tradizionali ed estrazione di risorse in Acholiland: un revival della tassazione? (p. 122)

Dario Miccoli, «Ognuno prese la sua strada»: gli ebrei di Rodi, il Congo, la Shoah, 1920-1960. (p. 141)