Afriche e Orienti XXIV/2 2021 – The specious dividends of peace in the Horn of Africa

Awet Tewelde Weldemichael and Uoldelul Chelati Dirar, Introduction

Uoldelul Chelati Dirar, From Colonialism to Warring Independences: Manifold Trajectories of Nationalism in the Horn of Africa

Abdalgani Aid Almi, Post-Conflict Peace Construction in Somaliland: Analyzing the Internal and External Dynamics.

Daniel Mekonnen and Paulos Tesfagiorgis, Rewinding the Clock of History: Eritrea and Ethiopia Back to 1991?

Awet Tewelde Weldemichael, The Peace that Led to War: Ethio-Eritrean Relations since 2018

Marco Zoppi, The Transnational Engagement of the Somali Diaspora: for Whose Benefit? Involvement Between Clans Politics and State-building

Yonatan Tewelde, A Digital Quest for Peace: Diaspora Attempts in PalTalk for National Reconciliation


Francesca Biancani, The “Maiden Tribute of Modern Egypt”, White Slavery as a Gendered and Racialized Narrative of Imperial Crisis in Early Twentieth Century Egypt.

Cristiana Fiamingo, “Expropriation without compensation”: una lotta a lance spuntate.


Maria Stella Rognoni, Arrigo Pallotti, La decolonizzazione dell’Africa australe. Il ruolo della Tanzania (1961-1980)

Luca Puddu, Simona Berhe, Olindo De Napoli (eds), Citizens and subjects of the Italian colonies: legal constructions and social practices

Cristiana Fiamingo, Antonio Pezzano, Dianela Pioppi, Varona Sathiyah e Pier Paolo Frassinelli (a cura di), The Question of Agency in African Studies

Ketil Fred Hansen, Alessio Iocchi, Living through crisis by Lake Chad. Violence, labor and resources

Laura Lori, Ubah Cristina Ali Farah, Le stazioni della luna

Massimo Zaccaria, Gianni Dore, Capi locali e colonialism in Eritrea. Biografie di un potere subordinato (1937-1941)

Andrea Cellai, Davide Chinigò, Everyday Practices of State Building in Ethiopia. Power, Scale, Performativity

Gerardo Serra, Karin Pallaver (ed.), Monetary Transitions: Currencies, Colonialism and African Societies