18,00 €
Antonio M. Morone, Introduction. (p. 6)
Mouldi Lahmar, Revolution in Sidi Bouzid and Kasserine: The Deterioration of the Terms of Exchange in a Skewed Political Market. (p. 9)
Josep Lluís Mateo Dieste, “Rifolution”. Songs of the Hirak of the Rif Against the Repression of the Makhzen (2017-2021). (p. 39)
Federica Ferrero, “We Don’t Want Another Polisario”: Tetouan and the Northern Question beyond the Rif. (p. 63)
Marta Tawil, Foreign Policy in Times of War: The Case of Syria (2011-2021). (p. 86)
Carlotta Marchi, The Sanussi’s Legacy: An Analysis of the Political Reconstitution of King Idris’s Memory in Post-Qadhāfi Libya. (p. 105)
Antonio M. Morone, Ten Years after the Libyan Uprising: The Journey of the State and its Political Losers. (p. 123)
Marco Di Donato, Analysing Revolution-like Processes in North Africa: A Historical Perspective of the 1940s, 1950s, and early 1960s. (p. 139)
Rosario Giordano, Zone grigie e percorsi innovativi. Memoria-storia-storiografia sul passato coloniale belga-congolese. (p. 158)
Francesco Saverio Leopardi, The Chinese Alternative: Beijing’s Evolving Role as Economic Partner and Model for Algeria. (p. 182)
Gabriele Montalbano, Italian Abolitionism in Late and Post-Ottoman Libya (1890-1928). (p. 204)
Rossana Tufaro, Asef Bayat, Revolutionary Life: The Everyday Life of the Arab Spring. (p. 222)
Livia Apa, Souleymane Bachir Diagne, De langue à langue. (p. 226)
Marco Di Donato, Mohamed Eid and Dalia Fahmy (edited by), Arab Spring: Modernity, Identity and Change. (p. 230)
Maria Cristina Ercolessi, Leila El Houssi, L’Africa ci sta di fronte. Una storia italiana: dal colonialismo al terzomondismo. (p. 234)
Aiep Editore s.r.l.
Via Colombaia, 2
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Repubblica di San Marino (RSM)
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